Metallic Finish

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Physical Properties:

Color                              Standard color Range

Finish                            Matt

Flashpoint                  N/A – Water-based

Specific Gravity         1.40 – 1.60

Solids (vol %)*             42 ± 2

Other Information:

  • Application: Spray
  • Thinner: Petrol
  • Thinning:  20 – 25% Spray
  • Cleaning: Clean all equipment with petrol immediately after the usage
  • Drying Time: 2 – 3 hours


It is available in 0.91 Ltr and 3.64 Ltr packs.


  • Rs. 5,372(3.64 Ltr)
  • Rs. 1,438(0.91 Ltr)


Handle with care. Stir the contents thoroughly and apply evenly.